> DreamCultures | Activities
Dream Cultures


Typologizing the Dream II

Villa Vigoni, Comer See, 3–5.9.19

Up to now there is nothing like a standard typology of dreams – and there probably will never be one as the systems which are used to classify dreams are based on very different taxonomic principles. Dreams are e.g. classified according
  •   to their content/dominating motifs (love-dreams/erotic dreams; nightmares; conscience dreams;       dreams of flying, death, birth, examination, shame; travels to heaven or hell, etc.)
  •   to their function and affiliated rituals (prophetic/divinatory dream, incubation dream, initiation       dream, lucid dreaming, etc.)
  •   to their semiotics (message dream, symbolical/allegorical dream, theorematic dream, etc.)
  •   to their narratological purpose (dream series, recapitulation dream, dream bracket, mise en
      abîme, etc.).
Of course this list of dream-types is far from complete and we are open for the suggestion of other types.

As always, we are looking for papers (30 minutes) with a close reading of two or three dreams of the same type by different authors, artists, etc., ideally (but not necessarily) from different periods and/or different national literatures. Examples can be dream reports or fictional dreams in literature and all other media. Preferably contributions should be in English and French but we will also accept German texts. Congress language will be German.

Kongress Mulhouse


Dienstag, 3.9.   

09.30             Bernard Dieterle (Mulhouse), Kinderträume

10.00             Diskussion

10.45             Kaffeepause

11.15             Johannes Birgfeld (Saarbrücken), Erotic Dreams in Poetry

11.45–12.30  Diskussion



15.00             Benjamin Specht (Erlangen), Dreams of/and Guilt around 1900 (Storm, Hauptmann, Freud)

15.30             Diskussion

16.15             Kaffeepause

16.45             Bernd Auerochs (Kiel), Death-Wish Dreams (Freud, Hebbel, Kafka)

17.15–18.00  Diskussion


Mittwoch, 4.9.   

09.30             Manfred Engel (Saarbrücken), The Nightmare around 1800

10.00             Diskussion

10.45             Kaffeepause

11.15             Sylvester Bubel (Saarbrücken), Nightmares in Modernist and Postmodernist                       Literature

11.45–12.30  Diskussion



15.00             Myriam Gindorf (Saarbrücken), Twist-Dreams in Ambrose Bierce's An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge und Marc Forster's Stay. Oneiric Narration as a Device in Unreliable Narratives

15.30             Diskussion

16.15             Kaffeepause

16.45             Dorothea Lauterbach (Oxford), Recurring Dreams as a Narrative Device

17.15–18.00  Diskussion


Donnerstag, 5.9.   

09.00             Christiane Solte-Gresser (Saarbrücken), Vorausgeträumte Geschichte. Zu einem Typus paradoxer Traumerfahrung in fiktionaler Erzählliteratur

09.30             Diskussion

10.15             Kaffeepause

10.45             Ricarda Schmidt (Exeter), Comic Dreams

11.15–12.00  Diskussion

12.20             Abfahrt Bahnhof Como

13.45             Flugplatz Milano-Malpensa