Writing the Dream / Écrire le rêve I
Bernard Dieterle (Université de Haute-Alsace) /
The workshop will be devoted to all sorts of dream-narrations: in diaries, letters, dream-diaries, medical or psychological case-studies, and all kinds of literary works (dream satires, dream allegories, dream travels, dreams in narratives, novels, plays and poems). We are looking for systematic papers on the poetics of the dream (fictional or non-fictional) and for case-studies of literary or non-literary dreams. The latter should concentrate on the comparison of two or three dream-texts of different types (e.g. fictional/non fictional, different literary periods, different languages and cultures, different literary kinds).
Friday, 19. July, 13.30–15.00, Room 125
Manfred Engel, Towards a poetics of the literary dream
Bernard Dieterle, Rêve, sciences du rêve et poésie lyrique
Ritchie Robertson,
Heine, Dora, Freud: dreams as literature
Monday, 22. July, 13.30–15.00, Room 125
Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa, The dream record as a literary genre
Yvonne Wübben, Recording dreams: writing-practices in literature and psychiatry
Marie Guthmüller, Les rêves dans les observations cliniques du XIXe siècle
Tuesday, 23. July, 13.30–15.00, Room 125
Monika Schmitz-Emans, Jean Paul’s dream narratives and strategies of their artistic visualization
Dorothea Lauterbach, Nightmares and existential fear: some thoughts on the poetics of bad dreams in 20th-century literature
Wednesday, 24. July,
9.00–10.30, Room 209
Business meeting of the research committee »Cultural and literary history of
the dream«.
Wednesday, 24. July, 13.30–15.00, Room 125
Tumba Alfred Shango Lokoho, L’invention du rêve ou l’autre scène du récit africain : autour du rêve dans Le Cercle des Tropiques, Le jeune homme de sable et L’étrange destin de Wangrin.
Fatima Festić, Lermontov’s The Dream and Chekhov’s Dreams: at the brink of life and death
Franz Hintereder-Emde, Literary dreams in the works of Natsume Soseki at the threshold of
Japanese modernity