Dream Cultures


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Manfred Engel.
To be registered: Please fill in the form in English!

Personal Information
First name
Field of studies (e.g. German Studies, Comparative Literature)
University affiliation
Email (field can be left blank)
Fields of research in cultural and literary dream-studies (e.g. special authors, periods and areas, national literatures, dream types, etc.; separate all entries by semicolons)
Security question (in case you have forgotten your password): At which institution did you start your acad. career?

Publications (cultural and literary dream-studies only)
New Entry
(please separate all entries by #)
Books Articles
e.g. e.g.
[with Bernard Dieterle] (ed.), The Dream and the Enlightenment/Le Rêve et les Lumières. Paris 2003 (International Eighteenth-Century Studies 7).# The Dream in Eighteenth-Century Encyclopaedias. In: Bernard Dieterle/Manfred Engel (ed.), The Dream and the Enlightenment / Le Rêve et les Lumières. Paris 2003 (International Eighteenth-Century Studies 7), 21–51.#
Der Traum zwischen Psychologie und Literatur. In: Schweizer Monatshefte 80 (2000) 9, 26–29.#