Prof. Dr. Rose Hsiu-li Juan
Contact:National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan (ROC)
Field of studies: English and American Literature
Fields of research in cultural and literary dream-studies:
Native American Literature
Publications on the Dream:
- | Dreams of Bear and Skunk. Animal Dreams in Louise Erdrich’s "The Birchbark House" [1999] and "The Bingo Palace" [1994]. In: Sophia Mehrbrey/Hannah Steurer (ed.), Animal Dreams in Aesthetic Media. Comparative Perspectives. Paderborn: Fink 2023 (Traum – Wissen – Erzählen 16), 135–156. |
- | From Divinatory to Visionary Dreams. Typologizing the Dream in Taiwanese Indigenous Literature and "Black Elk Speaks" of Plains Indians. In: Bernard Dieterle/Manfred Engel (ed.), Typologizing the Dream/Le rêve du point de vue typologique. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2022 (Cultural Dream Studies 5), 445–469. |
- | Weaving the Dream, Weaving the World. Ethnopoetics of the Dream in Greg Sarris's "Mabel McKay: Weaving the Dream" (1994). In: Bernard Dieterle/Manfred Engel (ed.), Writing the Dream/Écrire le rêve. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2017, 333-343. |
- | Dream Study. Writing the Dream in Linda Hogan’s "People of the Whale" [2008]. In: Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture 8 (2015) 2, 1-29. |