Prof. Dr. Gerald Gillespie
Contact:Stanford University, USA
Field of studies: Comparative Literature
Fields of research in cultural and literary dream-studies:
Baroque; Enlightenment; Modernism; Joyce; Galdós
Publications on the Dream:
- | The Role of Dream in Modern(ist) Gothic (Re-)Imaginings Across Literature, Painting, and Film. In: Juliane Blank/Sylvester Bubel/Caroline Frank (ed.), Randzustände des Bewusstseins. Narrative Darstellung traum- und rauschhafter Erlebnisqualitäten. Themenheft zum Geburtstag von Manfred Engel; KulturPoetik. Journal for Cultural Poetics 19 (2019) 1, 85-95. |
- | Oneiric Joyce. Dreaming the Mystery in "Finnegans Wake" (1939). In: Bernard Dieterle/Manfred Engel (ed.), Historizing the Dream/Le rêve du point de vue historique. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2019 (Cultural Dream Studies 3), 251-266. |
- | The Fine Art of Erotic Dreaming in Eighteenth-Century Literature. In: Bernard Dieterle/Manfred Engel (ed.), The Dream and the Enlightenment / Le Rêve et les Lumières. Paris: Champion 2003 (International Eighteenth-Century Studies 7), 289–307. |
- | Dreams and Galdós. In: Anales Galdosianos 1 (1966), 107-115. |
- | Theoretical Wishdream and Textual Actuality. The Polyglot Renga by Paz, Roubaud, Sanguineti, and Tomlinson. In: Raymon A. Prier (ed.), Countercurrents. On the Primacy of Texts in Literary Criticism. Albany 1992, 52-69. |
- | Dream and Calculus in European Baroque Drama. In: Mario Curreli (ed.), Critical Dimensions. English, German, and Comparative Literature Essays in Honor of Aurelio Zanco. Cuneo 1978, 181-200. |