Prof. Dr. Michael Schredl
Contact:Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim
Field of studies: Psychology
Fields of research in cultural and literary dream-studies:
basic dream research; dream content analysis; nightmares; continuity between waking and dreaming
Publications on the Dream:
- | Researching Dreams. The Fundamentals. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2018. |
- | Traum. München, Basel: Reinhardt 2008. |
- | Träume. Die Wissenschaft enträtselt unser nächtliche Kopfkino. Berlin: Ullstein 2007; 2nd epanded edn: Träume. Unser nächtliches Kopfkino. Heidelberg: Springer 2013. |
- | Traumerinnerung. Modelle und empirische Untersuchungen. Marburg 2004. |
- | Die nächtliche Traumwelt. Einführung in die psychologische Traumforschung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1999. |
- | Träume und Schlafstörungen. Empirische Studie zur Traumerinnerungshäufigkeit und zum Trauminhalt von schlafgestörten PatientInnen. Marburg 1998. |
- | [with Mark Blagrove], Animals in Dreams of Children, Adolescents, and Adults. The UK Library Study. In: Imagination, Cognition and Personality 41 (2021) 1, 87–104; doi: 10.1177/0276236620960634. |
- | Typical Dreams of Falling, Being Chased, and Being Paralyzed in Germany from 1956 to 2000. In: International Journal of Dream Research 14 (2021) 1, 61-66. |
- | "Breaking the law" in Dreams. Analysis of a Long Dream Series In: International Journal of Dream Resaerch 14 (2021) 1, 147-150. |
- | Animals in a Long Dream Series. In: International Journal of Dream Resaerch 14 (2021) 1, 151-155. |
- | Zeiterfahrung im Traum. Empirische Befunde. In: Laura Vordermayer/Christian Quintes (ed.), Zeiterfahrung im Traum. Was war, was ist, was sein wird. Paderborn: Fink 2021, 235–251. |
- | Being Naked in Dreams. Analysis of a Long Dream Series. In: International Journal of Dream Research Volume 14 (2021) 2, 327-331. |
- | [with A.S. Göritz], Dream Journaling. Stability and Relation to Personality Factors. In: Dreaming 30 (2020), 278-286. |
- | "The Dreamkeepers An Invictus Mystery thriller" [2020] by Antonio Zadra. In: International Journal of Dream Research 13 (2020) 1, 1 f. |
- | Reading Dream Literature and the Big Five Personality Factors. In: Dreaming 30 (2020) 1, 45-53. |
- | Frequency of Erotic Dreams and Relationship Status. An Online Study. In: International Journal of Dream Research 13 (2020), 131-133. |
- | [with Louisa Holyba, Tina Köllmer, Jessica Körfer, Annika Proß], Nightmare Distress, Nightmare Frequency, and Beliefs about Nightmares. In: International Journal of Dream Research 12 (2019) 2, 60–64; online: |
- | [with Kate Isobel Olbrich], Music and Dreams. A Review. In: International Journal of Dream Research 12 (2019) 2, 67–71; online: |
- | [with Caspar Geissler and Anja S. Göritz], Factors Influencing the Frequency of Erotic Dreams. An Online Study. In: Psychology & Sexuality 10 (2019), 316-324. |
- | [with Caspar Geissler], College Students’ Erotic Dreams. Analysis of Content and Emotional Tone. In: Sexologies 29 (2019), e11-e17. |
- | Typical Dream Themes. In: Katja Valli/Robert J. Hoss/Robert P. Gongloff (ed.), Dreams. Understanding Biology, Psychology, and Culture. Santa Barbara, Denver: Greenwood 2019, vol. 1, 180–187. |
- | Experimental Dream Research. An Overview. In: Bernard Dieterle/Manfred Engel (ed.), Theorizing the Dream/Savoir et théories du rêve. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2018 (Cultural Dream Studies 2), 407–419. |
- | Aktuelle empirische Traumforschung. In: Alfred Krovoza/Christine Walde (ed.), Traum und Schlaf. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler 2018, 248-257. |
- | Traumberichte als Gegenstand psychologischer Forschung. In: Bernard Dieterle/Manfred Engel (ed.), Writing the Dream/Écrire le rêve. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2017, 345-353. |
- | [with Franziska Beuerle], Dreaming in Vienna. Analyzing Dreams of Arthur Schnitzler and Sigmund Freud. In: International Journal of Dream Research Volume 10 (2017) 2, 184-172. |
- | Dreaming about Dreaming. Analysis of a Long Dream Series. In: International Journal of Dream Research 8 (2015) 2, 142-246. |
- | [with Sarah Fröhlich, Silja Schlenke, Marlena Stegemann, Carolin Voß, Sophia De Gioia], Emotional Responses to Dream Sharing. A Field Study. In: International Journal of Dream Research 8 (2015) 2, 136-138. |
- | [with Tadas Stumbrys, Daniel Erlacher and Miriam Johnson], The Phenomenology of Lucid Dreaming. An Online Survey. In: The American Journal of Psychology 127 (2014), 191-204. |
- | Sleep and Dreaming. In: Claudio L. Bassetti/Zoran Dogas/ Philippe Peigneux (ed.), Sleep Medicine Textbook. Regensburg: European Sleep Research Society 2014, 63–71. |
- | [with Daniel Erlacher, Melanie Schädlich and Tadas Stumbrys], Time for Actions in Lucid Dreams: Effects of Task Modality, Length, and Complexity. In: Frontiers in Psychology 4 (2014); fpsyg.2013.01013/full. |
- | Continuity in Studying the Continuity Hypothesis of Dreaming is Needed. In: International Journal of Dream Research 5 (2012), 1–8. |
- | Content Analysis of Dreams. Basic Principles. In: Deirdre Barrett/Patrick McNamara (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams. The Evolution, Function, Nature, and Mysteries of Slumber. Vol. 1. Santa Barbara et al.: Greenwood 2012, 162-164. |
- | Flying Dreams. In: Deirdre Barrett/Patrick McNamara (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams. The Evolution, Function, Nature, and Mysteries of Slumber. Vol. 1. Santa Barbara et al.: Greenwood 2012, 283-285. |
- | Dream Content Analysis. Basic Principles. In: International Journal of Dream Research 3 (2010), 65–73. |
- | Reading Books about Dream Interpretation. Gender Differences. In: Dreaming 20 (2010), 248–253. |
- | Nightmare Frequency and Nightmare Topics in a Representative German Sample. In: European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 260 (2010), 565–570. |
- | Characteristics and Contents of Dreams. In: International Review of Neurobiology 92 (2010), 135–154. |
- | History of Dream Research. The Dissertation "Entstehung der Träume (Origin of Dreams)" of Wilhelm Weygandt published in 1893. In: International Journal of Dream Research 3 (2010) 1, 95-97. |
- | Nightmare Disorders. In: Michael J. Thorpy/Giuseppe Plazzi (ed.), The Parasomnias and Other Sleep-Related Movement Disorders. Cambridge: Cambridge UP 2010, 153–159. |
- | Effect of Dreams on Daytime Mood. The Effects of Gender and Personality. In: Sleep and Hypnosis 11 (2009), 51–57. |
- | Frequency of Precognitive Dreams. Association with Dream Recall and Personal Variables. In: Journal of the Society for Psychic Research 73 (2009) 2, 83-91. |
- | [with Boris A. Stuck], Einfluss olfaktorischer Reize und Reize anderer Sinnesmodalitäten auf den Trauminhalt. Eine Literaturübersicht. In: Somnologie 13 (2009), 170–175. |
- | Behandlung von Alpträumen. In: Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 55 (2006) 2, 132-140; |
- | Experimentell-Psychologische Traumforschung. In: Michael H. Wiegand/Flora von Spreti/Hans Förstl (ed.), Schlaf und Traum. Neurobiologie, Psychologie, Therapie. Stuttgart 2006, 37-73. |
- | [with Daniel Erlacher], The Problem of Dream Content Analysis Validity as Shown by a Bizarreness Scale. In: Sleep and Hypnosis 5 (2003), 129–135. |
- | Questionnaire and Diaries as Research Instruments in Dream Research: Methodological Issues. In: Dreaming 12 (2002), 17–26. |
- | Träume und Wachleben. Was findet Eingang in den Traum? In: Eckart Rüther/Angelika Gruber-Rüther/Manfred P. Heuser (ed.), Träume. Innsbruck: Verl. Integrative Psychiatrie 2001, 19-30. |
- | [et al.] The Use of Dreams in Psychotherapy. A Survey of Psychotherapists in Private Practice. In: Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 9 (2000), 81–87. |
- | Woher die Träume kommen. Psychologie und Physiologie eines nächtlichen Phänomens. Traumbilder. In: Kursbuch 1999, No. 138: Träume, 140-150. |
- | [with Evelyn Doll], Emotions in Diary Dreams. In: Consciousness and Cognition 7 (1998), 634–646. |
- | [with Ruth Pallmer], Alpträume bei Kindern. In: Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 46 (1997) 1, 36-56. |